Choosing The Right Breast Implant Size


Size matters when you’re choosing breast implants. But when opting for implants, you also need to consider other things. Going by size alone may not get you the ideal outcome you’d envisioned. For the best results when getting implants, keep these tips in mind.

Be Aware That Implant Size Is Not the Same as Cup Size

Cup size isn’t used to measure implant size because there is no cup size standardization in the bra production industry. For instance, the volume of a Japanese C-cup may differ from a C-cup in the United States. Sizes can also vastly vary from brand to brand: one brand’s 34C could be another’s 36D.

Understand Implant Sizes

Instead of being measured by cup size, breast implants are classified by CCs (cubic centimeters). One cubic centimeter is equivalent to about 0.3 ounces. The higher the implant’s CCs, the larger the implant is. The most common sizes are 300 – 500 CCs, but implants can range from 100 – 800 CCs and sometimes more.

Decide What Type of Implants You Want

There are two types of implants. These come in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures:


Silicone implants are filled with silicone, a synthetic material, and look and feel more like natural breasts.


Saline implants have a silicone outer shell containing a sterile salt water solution. These implants have a more globe-like appearance.

Both silicone and saline implants last approximately 10 – 20 years.

Consider Implant Profile

Implant profile is how much an implant projects out from your chest. Implants with a smaller base width have greater projection than implants with a wider base width. There are three implant profiles to keep in mind:

Low profile

Low-profile implants minimally project from your chest and create subtle enhancement. They’re best for women with broad chests. Low-profile implants can provide additional cleavage for a tall woman with a broad chest.

Moderate profile

These implants yield more projection and a fuller, rounder shape than low-profile ones. They produce the most natural-looking results and work nicely for medium-frame women.

High profile

High-profile implants are perfect for women who want that “wow” factor. These implants offer dramatic forward projection and extra cleavage. They work well for women who don’t necessarily mind a slightly artificial look.

Consider the Size of Your Breasts

You should have enough breast tissue to contain implants. If an implant is too big for your breast tissue, you can develop complications including:

  • Thinning skin
  • Sagging implants
  • Skin rippling
  • Premature breast aging

Choose a Shape

When selecting a breast implant shape, two options are available: round and teardrop. Round implants are symmetrical and give the entire breast equal fullness for a more dramatic appearance. Teardrop implants have a sloped contour that resembles the shape of natural breasts.

Think About Your Wardrobe

Consider how your augmentation will affect what you wear. Will it impact the fit of your bathing suits, blouses, and dresses? Is your altered appearance compatible with your wardrobe, or do you want clothing that shows off more of your transformation? Can you afford new clothes if some of yours no longer fit your new breasts?

Know Why You Want Implants

Do you want to look shapelier or have more confidence? Do you want to look better at the beach or out on the town? These are all excellent reasons to go forward with a breast augmentation.

Contact Us

There’s a lot to consider when selecting the right implant for you. Highly credentialed and board-certified, Dr. Aya-Ay can help you understand your options for the best possible results. Call today and book your consultation to take the first step toward your dream figure!

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